Business Training Workshop

Clip art of man standing on top of the worldDescription: This workshop is to assist those who are starting or operating a small business. Workshop topics may include one or more of the following, depending upon the interests and needs of the participants: Time Management, Writing a Business Plan, Choosing a Business Structure, Tracking Cash Flow, Establishing and Equipping the Office, Choosing and Using an Accounting System, State and Federal Tax Reporting, Tax Planning and Reporting and Financial Analysis, as well as Cashing Materials.

Target Audience: Adults and youth who are starting or operating a business or agribusiness company.

Length: 2–8 hours depending on number of topics

Cost: Depends on out of pocket costs for facilities, speakers, meals/refreshments, handouts

Participants: To be determined

Scheduling: As requested

Point of Contact:
Ashley Lovell
Adjunct Professor—Entrepreneurship and Economic Development,
Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Extension Education,
Tarleton State University
E-mail: lovell(at)
Phone: 254-968-1984
Fax 254-968-9199


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