Description: Developed with involvement from a statewide tourism industry task force, the Texas Friendly Hospitality Program relies on trained instructors to offer customer service training workshops for managers and employees, community organizations, and a variety of other groups. The primary goal of the workshop is to teach participants how to manage and enhance the delivery of quality service, as well as identify the gap between how well a business thinks it is doing and how well it is actually performing. This comprehensive training focuses on the six hospitality habits necessary for quality customer service: 1) first impressions, 2) knowing your job, 3) knowing your community, 4) communicating clearly, 5) handling problems effectively, and 6) last impressions. Other topics emphasized include business etiquette, phone courtesy, working with difficult people, handling complaints, cultural awareness, listening skills, and communication.
Target Audience: Front line staff in service industries, CVBs, chambers, city & county government, and other community departments and businesses
Length: 2 to 4 hour sessions depending on topics covered
Cost: Workshop fees are set by each instructor. Typical expenses include reimbursement for time and mileage, and, if needed, meals and overnight accommodation. Workshops that are underwritten or sponsored may be offered free to participants. Workshop fees range from $0-$25 per participant, depending on the community and the cost.
Participants: Varies
Scheduling: Customer service training workshops are held upon request and are taught by certified instructors. Lists of qualified customer service instructors are available from the Program Coordinator.
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