Building Connections: Community Leadership

Building Connections logoDescription: The overall objectives of this curriculum are to help participants determine their individual leadership traits, understand group leadership styles and theories, develop strategies for effectively leading organizations, recognize leadership opportunities in their communities, and apply these tools in leadership positions. The Building Connections curriculum is composed of fourteen core educational lessons on community leadership. Each lesson includes objectives, background information, an interest approach, a step by step guide through the lesson, an application section, and a reference section. Each lesson has a built in power point presentation and an abstract of the subject matter.

Target Audience: Individuals interested in learning leadership skills

Length: 10—15 hours (depending on the exercises that are included)

Cost: $50/person for curriculum plus other costs depending on facilities etc.

Participants: To be determined

Scheduling: As requested

Point of Contact:
Greg S. Taylor
Professor and Extension Specialist,
Community and Economic Development
Phone: 979-845-7046
Fax: 979-847-9378

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