Disaster Preparedness

Ready Business: A Guide to Preparing A Business Disaster Plan

Description: Workshop material produced in cooperation between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN). This course will help small and medium size businesses survive potential disasters in order to maintain output and employment. Participants will learn about the importance of a disaster plan, share ideas, and develop the beginning of a business disaster plan specific to the firm.

Target Audience: Business owners interested in better preparing for the unexpected.
Length: 3 hrs
Cost: Depends on out of pocket costs for facilities and refreshments, etc

Participants: Minimum of 15 members of targeted audience

Scheduling: Suitable for delivery by any knowledgeable individual (volunteers, County Extension Agents). Includes all instructional materials and guidance.
Additional information is available through point of contact below.

Point of Contact:
Greg S. Taylor
Professor and Extension Specialist, Community and Economic Development
E-mail: gregtaylor@tamu.edu
Phone: 979-845-7046
Fax: 979-847-9378

Web: http://www.ready.gov/business/index.html

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