
A Community Process to Prepare and Recover from Disaster

Description: Ready Community provides a process to help guide local communities plan for a disaster and for recovery. Regardless of when the region last experienced a disaster, disaster plans need to be created and updated. Community members address the four phases of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Facilitated by a neutral coach, the initiative fosters broad civic participation and communication across sectors of the community, creates links to needed assets and resources within the community, and supplies current data to help guide the planning process. Ready Community incorporates disaster planning into broader community issues and trends to support long-term resilience.

Target Audience: Community leaders, including elected and emergency management officials and engaged community members

Length:  A minimum of six steps with the ability to add Ready Business and Ready Family modules

Cost: Depends on out of pocket costs for facilities and refreshments, etc.

Participants: Minimum of 15 members of targeted audience

Scheduling: This multi-session series is facilitated by faculty coaches. Additional information is available through point of contact below.

Point of Contact:

John T. Cooper Jr., Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President
Public Partnership & Outreach
Phone: 979.862-2272



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