The Texas AgriLife Extension Service Community and Economic Development (CED) mission is:
The development of individual abilities and community support for creating and growing businesses, jobs, wealth and income.
These programs aim to equip Texans to develop capacity for building sustainable communities. The following links overview some of the significant CED programs which are available as workshops, events, short courses and in other formats. These programs teach valuable information that will benefit and assist individuals, communities, businesses, towns, elected officials, volunteers and others in reaching their goals.
- Business Retention and Expansion
- Community Development
- Cooperative Business Support
- Disaster Preparedness
- Economic Development
* Communities in Economic Transition
* Communities in Economic Transition Brochure - Entrepreneurship and Business Development
- Leadership
* Developing Critical Thinking Leaders
* Developing Critical Thinking Leaders Brochure - Nature Tourism
- CED Schematic and Information for Extension Agents
CED Specialists and Faculty | Resources | Publications
2011 CED Program Catalog | 2011 CED Program Catalog (print version)
Educational programs of Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin.
The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.